It is every woman’s dream to have a baby. This experience can’t be explained in words. It is common knowledge that delivery of a child is a painful experience. This can last for hours and affect women’s health. Nowadays it is possible to avoid this Pain. Technology has shown that it is possible to have a painless delivery. The best person to ask about this delivery is your Gynaecologist.

Sometimes women may not want to experience any pain in delivery. In this scenario, it is possible to have the painless delivery. Many people assume that it can be done through the C-Section only. It’s not true as this is a natural way to have a child. In a painless delivery, women will not experience any pain during the delivery. Doctors know the way to lower or remove pain through this special technique.

Most gynaecologists would use epidurals to remove or decrease the feeling of pain. Epidural is the form of regional anaesthesia. This is injected near your spinal canal. When it’s injected you feel numbness in the abdominal, genital and pelvic area. This loss of sensation prevents the feeling of pain from reaching the Brain. During this technique the baby is delivered normally. It’s just that woman will not feel any pain at all. This works for the time till the baby is delivered. Effect of epidural will go away completely after 2-4 hours of delivery.

Today this has become the most preferred mode by women who want normal but painless delivery. Advantage of this technique are;

– The duration of delivery is less.

– A woman will feel no pain at all in painless delivery.

– The stress levels during the childbirth remains high. In a painless delivery, there is less stress on you and the baby due to absence of the pain.

– It is possible that your blood pressure may get elevated during labour pains. A painless delivery is unique as it helps in normalising the blood pressure. This keeps the BP stable and under control for the duration of the delivery.

– It is also beneficial if one has to perform a C-Section in an emergency scenario.

All these advantages make Painless delivery most efficient way to have a normal delivery. Today most gynaecologists would use this method to have a safe and secure delivery.
